Article Writing Guide

 | Post date: 2021/04/4 | 
Author Guidelines
 Journal of Advanced Biomedical Sciences (JABS) with the aim of improving the level of scientific knowledge of specialists, researchers, experts and enthusiasts and in order to exchange experiences and new scientific achievements, publishes scientific and research articles in the field of basic research from applied and basic research, epidemiological research and studies which clinically deal with medical sciences. This journal is published as a quarterly and in English.
Author Guidelines Checklist:
  1. Submission of all articles must only be done online through the electronic database of the journal to the address and manual submission will not be accepted.
  2. 2- Letter requesting the inclusion of the article from the corresponding author addressed to the editor
  3. Authors’ Letter of Commitment (Conflict of Interest)

Article submission
Authors should submit their manuscript file and other attached files online through the journal website to the address ( It should be noted that the only way to submit articles is through the electronic system of the journal available on the site.
To submit articles, refer to the address ( and go through the membership process on the website. Then the author must enter the article submission section using the username and password and follow the submission steps, respectively. The corresponding author can be informed of the current status of the article and its acceptance or rejection by referring to his personal page on the journal's website, and there is no need for repeated contacts. It is worth mentioning that the journal has the authority to accept, modify, edit, summarize or reject all articles.
Each manuscript must be accompanied by a letter requesting that the article be published. Also, the title of the article and the names and e-mail addresses of all the authors should be mentioned in the commitment form and signed by the authors. The commitment form is available in the "For Authors" section (bottom of this page). Please make sure to upload the commitment form in the prerequisite file section when submitting the article.
In requesting the publication of their manuscript, the authors must make commitment not to submit the article to another periodical until a final response, and this article has not been published in any of the domestic or foreign journals.
English Article Writing Style:
Different types of articles such as Original Research Articles, Case Reports, Review Articles, Short Communication, Letter to Editor, and Response to Editor, in various branches of medical sciences are accepted in this journal.
 The submitted article should include the following sections:
The first page or title page should include full title, running title, authors' name, authors' Orc ID, full job address (department, faculty, university), academic degree and rank (professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor) of authors and full mailing address, email address, the corresponding author's mobile and landline numbers are required in both Persian and English. The title of the article should be concise. The maximum number of words in a running title should be 6-8 words.
The second page contains abstract (between 150 and 250 words, without mentioning the names of the authors) and is arranged according to the type of articles as follows:
Original Research Article
Background and Objective: Includes explaining the main question and purpose of writing or presenting a hypothesis.
Materials and Methods: Includes research methods, especially the type of statistical methods and mentioning the complete characteristics of the participating samples, including the study population, sample size, etc.
Results: includes a summary of the information and data obtained and the most important research findings.
Conclusion: Includes a summary of the interpretation and description of the findings, and mentions the final result of the research.
- Abstracts must be fewer than 250 words.
Case Report
Case Report should be fewer than 1500 words and include the following:
Background and Objective:: It should explain the reason for choosing the case and the purpose of the study.
Case: It should summarize the clinical findings, abnormal laboratory findings of the treatment method and the outcome of the treatment.
Conclusion: It should include a summary of the main findings and discoveries and the reasons for the uniqueness of the case.
Review Article
It should not exceed 5,000 words and refer to a summary of the items reviewed in the article and the resulting discussion and conclusions.
Short Communication
The abstract of the short communication should be structured (like the original research article) and up to 150 words.
For all types of articles, it is necessary to select 3 to 5 Keywords from the Mesh index words in IndexMedicus
On the next page, the text of the original research article will be in accordance with the following structure:
Introduction: This section states the purpose of the article and explains the logical reason for conducting research and writing the article, the question raised or the hypothesis in detail. Also, in this section the work history and cases done and current achievements should be mentioned.
Materials and Methods: The subjects of the research and the studied groups (patients, laboratory animals, etc.) should be mentioned. Age, gender and other characteristics should also be mentioned. It should be quite clear why and how the study was conducted. Describe how the information was collected in full (for example, the type of questionnaire used or the source of the information).
The equipment used should be fully described (manufacturer, model and type, etc.) so that others can do the same. Statistical methods are fully explained, it is by no means sufficient to enter and analyze information in the SPSS statistical program or similar software. Researchers need to determine with which statistical methods these programs have been used and how. Also, mention the version of statistical software used. Explain more about the less common methods. Provide valid reasons for using new methods.
All drugs and chemicals must be described exactly (drug name, pharmacological properties, dosage, method of use, manufacturer).
Results: Findings that include some informative points for the reader to evaluate the research should be shown in tables and graphs and summarized in the text. The text of the findings should be concise and clear and provide the reader with a summary of the tables and figures. If we have a small number of findings or a simple result, it is better to write the findings in the text instead of the table and figure. Findings should be explained in the past tense.
Discussion and Conclusion: In the discussion, it is important to emphasize the new aspects of the study, and the data or other items presented in the introduction or findings should not be repeated in detail in the discussion section. An overview of the articles should be included in this section. The results are in line with the objectives of the study. Express new hypotheses and give suggestions. Explain your interpretation of the findings. Compare the obtained findings with the predicted findings and mention the differences and similarities. The conclusion should include the final conclusion and be written at the end of the discussion.
Acknowledgments: Give thanks to all the individuals or organizations that have contributed to the compilation of the article, the collection of materials, financial or technical assistance, and if the article is taken from a dissertation or approved research project, the registration number should be mentioned. Also, the authors must declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

    All references, even Persian references, should be translated and written in English. At the end of Persian references, refer to its original language [In Persian]. References should be arranged in order of use in the numbering text and according to the principles of Vancouver's citation format, using mathematical numbers in parentheses to refer to the articles. (Example (11)). If the reference is repeated, the space between the first and the last number should be used, otherwise the comma "," should be used. (Example: 9-7 or 7, 5). It is recommended to use resource management software such as EndNote or Reference Manager to write references.
Take care about the references. They should be searchable in scientific databases such as PubMed, Scopus and ISI.

How to write a reference:
Article: Surname and initials of the author or authors (use the comma "," between the authors' names). Full article title. Abbreviated name of the journal. Year of publication; Issue (journal cover): Page number. If the number of authors is more than 6, the phrase "et al" should be used after the name of the sixth person.
  1. Mansoori Y, Moravej A, Najafipour S, Kouhpayeh SA, Meshkibaf MH, Abdollahi A, et al. Association of IL18 Gene Polymorphisms (positions -656 G / T, -137 G / C and + 105A / C) with Kala-Azar. JFUMS. 2012; 2 (1): 59-65. [Article in Persian]
  2. Meshkibaf MH, Ebrahimi A, Ghodsi R, Ahmadi A. Chronic effects of Lamotrigine on liver function nn in adult male rats. IJCB. 2006; 21 (1): 161-164
Book: Surname and initials of the author or authors. Book title. Printing number. City of printing: Publisher; Year of publication, page number.
Philips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and Stroke. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995. P.85-93.
Conference paper: surname and initials of the author or authors. Conference article title, conference name; Conference date; Conference Venue: Name of Publications; Release date. page number.
Jamshidi J, Pouresmaeili F. Association of vitamin D receptor gene BsmI polymorphisms with bone mineral density in a population of Iranian women, European Human Genetics Conference 2012; June 23-26, 2012; Nuremberg, Germany: Nature Publishing Group; 2012. p. 390.
Thesis: Surname and initials of the author. Title. University and Faculty; defense date.
Kaplan SJ. Post-hospital home health care: the elderly access and utilization (dissertation). St. Louis (MO): Washington University; 1995.
Internet resources: Do not mention more than 3 sources. Surname and initials of the author or authors. Website title [Internet], Place of Publication: Publisher; First Release Date [Last Updated Date; Date of citation]. Internet address.
Fehrenbach MJ. Dental hygiene education [Internet]. [Place unknown]: Fehrenbach and Associates; 2000 [updated 2009 May 2; cited 2009 Jun 15]. Available from:
The format of other articles is as follows:
Case Report
Introduction (including the background, importance and reason for the rarity of a reported case with reference to previously reported statistics)
Introducing patient
In preparing these articles, it should be noted that the patient's secrets should be kept confidential and a consent form should be prepared from the patient and attached to the article.
Review Article
The review article should be prepared in one of two forms:
Systematic Review Articles can be meta-analysis, meta-synthesis or without statistical analysis. These articles contain components of original research articles.
Unstructured review articles are accepted only from experienced and knowledgeable researchers who have written in that field. The components of such articles should include abstracts, introductions, discussions, and conclusions, and should have at least 50 references and be prepared in a maximum of 5,000 words.
Short Communication
A short communication is structurally like a genuine research paper and should contain a maximum of 1,500 words, 2 figures or tables, and a structured short abstract of up to 150 words. In this type of article, the number of authors can be up to 5 and the number of references can be up to 10.
Letter to Editor
The letter to the editor has topics such as reviewing previous articles, reviewing books, analyzing a topic related to medical education, reporting and reviewing medical education meetings, elaborating an idea, or opening a complex topic, and should be a maximum of 1,000 words. These articles do not require structure, but an English abstract is required.
Response to Editor
The response to the editor, by the author of the review article on defending his scientific opinions and findings, can be up to 1000 words and contain a figure or table.
Technical principles of writing an article:
The article should be typed in A4 with Word MS software, Times New Roman with size 12 for text, and appropriate margin around the size of 2.5 cm with appropriate spacing between lines in full compliance with the principles of writing etiquette.
The number of tables and figures should be commensurate with the size of the article. Research articles should not have more than 3 tables, 3 figures and 3 charts. Tables are best designed using the Table feature in Microsoft Word. The tables should not be presented in reverse and should be numbered consecutively, and the table numbers should be mentioned consecutively in the text of the article. In the subtitle of the tables, all non-standard abbreviations used should be explained and the text of the tables should be in Persian. Avoid using tables and figures whose information and data are fully referenced in the text of the article. Figures in Microsoft-Excel software should be designed with specific letters and not inserted as an image.
Photos should be provided as separate JPEG files with suitable print quality (300dpi) with specific letters. Photographs should be taken accurately and clearly and in such a way that it is technically possible to print them in the desired quality in the journal. Avoid sending photocopies instead of photos. Radiographs should be 73 x 120 mm to a maximum of 354 x 203 mm according to the above standards. Photos and images must be numbered consecutively and in order of reference to them in the text. If the photo has been published, indicate the original reference and provide written permission.
Tables, charts and photos: should be placed at the end of the article and after the references, with full numbers and descriptions.
Signs and Abbreviations: Use standard acronyms instead of full words. All unconventional acronyms, when used for the first time, should be fully defined within the text. (Avoid using abbreviations in the title and abstract).
Ethical considerations: Ethical considerations should be described in the Method section. It should be noted that informed consent has been obtained from all individuals participating in the project or their parents. The name of the institute that approved the research project should be mentioned in the article. It should be noted in the text that the keeping of laboratory animals is done in accordance with the guidelines of the National Institutes of Health. Clinical trial studies must have an ethics code and it must be mentioned that the ethics committee of the research university has approved it. Also, these studies must be registered in one of the clinical trial registration sites and its code must be mentioned in the article.
Declaration of Conflict of Interest: Authors should disclose the financial and supportive resources of the article. Any affiliation of authors that may be considered by the publication of the article as a potential conflict of interest of other institutions and cause their gain or loss should also be declared.
Final approval: In order to prevent any mistakes, a copy of the article will be sent to the corresponding author before the final publication. Possible mistakes should be corrected as soon as the article is returned to the journal office.
Five copies of the journal will be sent to the responsible author. (In case of requesting additional copies, after depositing the fee, the number of requested items will be sent to the author after sending the payment receipt to the office of the journal).
Article Processing Charge: There is no charge for authors to publish an article.
Copyright of the journal: The Journal of Advavced Biomedical Sciences is an open access journal and you can download, duplicate or post articles on other websites as long as you cite the jrnoual of Fasa University of Medical Sciences as a source.
Article review process: If all the points related to the article writing format are observed in the received article and it is approved by the journal office, the article will be reviewed according to the following process:
- The manuscript is presented in the meeting of the editorial board: If the article is approved in this board, it will be sent to 2 to 3 reviewers. If the article is not approved by this council, it will be rejected and the matter will be reported to the corresponding author.
- After receiving the decisions of the reviewers, the article will be presented in the meeting of the editorial board and according to their opinions, the article will be published, corrected, revised or not accepted. In this case, the above items will be notified to the corresponding author as soon as possible.
Retention of submitted articles: All correspondence and documents sent to the journal office will be retained in the journal office for up to six months after the publication of the article, but submitted documents (even unaccepted articles) will not be returned to the authors of the articles.
Author Guidelines Checklist:
  1. Submission of all articles must only be done online through the electronic database of the journal to the address and manual submission will not be accepted.
  2. 2- Letter requesting the inclusion of the article from the corresponding author addressed to the editor
  3. Authors’ Letter of Commitment (Conflict of Interest)
The full-text English article after the abstract includes the following topics:
 - Introduction
- Materials and Methods
-Discussion and Conclusion

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