Volume 9, Issue 4 (11-2019)                   JABS 2019, 9(4): 1794-1808 | Back to browse issues page

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hooshmand E, nejatzadegan Z, ebrahimipour H, esmaily H, vafaee najar A. The Challenges of the Family Physician Program in the North East of Iran from the Perspective of Managers and Practitioners Working on the Plan. JABS 2019; 9 (4) :1794-1808
URL: http://jabs.fums.ac.ir/article-1-1530-en.html
1- Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
2- Student research Committee ,Mashhad University of Medical Science, Mashhad, Iran
3- Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran , vafaeea@mums.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2988 Views)
Background & Objective: In Iran, a new program called the Family Doctor was started in 1384. The present study aims to determine the challenges of the family physician system in Khorasan Razavi province.
Materials & Methods: The present study is a quantitative-qualitative study. In this study, a sample-based sampling method was conducted with 11 managers and 9 family physicians working in the project in Khorasan Razavi. Then, based on the results of the interviews, a questionnaire was designed and confirmed by its validity and reliability in a descriptive-analytic study in 1395. The findings of the quantitative study were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Mann-Whitney, T-test and ANOVA tests at a significant level of 0.05
Results: In the analysis of qualitative content 9 basic concepts (comprehensive planning, health insurance system, compensation services, performance appraisal, facilities and welfare facilities, recruitment and maintenance of human resources, information system, culture and financing) were identified.
The biggest challenge is in the area of compensation (4.55 ± 0.73) and the smallest in the area of facilities and facilities (3.67 ± 0.83). The greatest difference is between the viewpoints of managers and physicians in the field of facilities and amenities (0/61 ± 0/20) and the least in the field of culture (0.04 ± 0/17).
Conclusion: The most common challenges faced by family physicians in the study are cultural, economic, environmental and working conditions. It is suggested that, in order to properly implement the plan of the family physician, it should be considered in coordination with the objectives of the plan at international level and the experiences of the countries that implemented the program.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Management of health services
Received: 2017/09/2 | Accepted: 2018/01/31 | Published: 2020/03/15

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